Conversational AI Timeline
Conversational Artificial Intelligence Timeline
While speech recording and output have been available since Edison’s invention of the phonograph in 1877, the technology for speech processing was not possible until the digital electronics revolution. Since then advances in speech recognition have followed Moore’s Law (the density of integrated circuits doubles every two years).
The technology behind Neon AI® is an integrated suite of services for conversation processing, natural language understanding, transcription, language translation, database integration and AI technologies capable of enabling a multitude of products and services. Conversation segments can be spoken or typed, and can be internal business conversations, business to end-user sales, business to end-user support, end-user to end-user social media, or simply connections between family and friends. Neon AI uses STT, TTS and AI to keep people in touch.
We are part of the AI revolution. Conversational Artificial Intelligence has and will continue to evolve. See how Neon AI is contributing to the story.
2019 Neongecko - Neon AI Android - for Mobile Phones / Tablets
2019 Neongecko - Neon AI Nano - HTML for Website Designers
2019 Neongecko - Neon AI SDK - Conversational Software Development Kit
2018 Amazon - Alexa API - Application Programming Interface
2017 Neongecko - Neon AI® - Multiplatform Artificial Intelligence Assistant
2016 - Open Source Conversational AI
2015 Amazon - Alexa
2014 Microsoft - Cortana
2013 China - Baidu, TenCent, Alibaba
2011 Apple - Siri
2008 Google - Voice Search for iPhones
2006 IBM - Watson
2002 Microsoft - Office
1993 Carnegie Mellon - Sphinx-II continuous speech recognition
1990 Dragon - Dictate - Consumer speech recognition
1985 IBM - Tangora - 20,000 words
1976 Carnegie Mellon - Harpy - 1,011 words
1962 IBM - Shoebox - 16 English words
1952 Bell Labs - Audrey - 10 digits